The good of oil

Extra virgin and organic

The work of Nata Terra shines in the sunlight. The land that nourishes the olive groves is a precious resource, and it is connected to the people which forms a bond within the communitiy of local and sustainable agriculture. Our purpose lies in the connectivity of our mission to help people and the environment through social agriculture, and that is the true ingrediants of what we first use to produce our oil. By emphasizing a commitment to love and respect for the earth and the people, Nata Terra is able to spread a vision of social agriculture that represent the rebirth of our land.
6has centuries-old olive groves 2ha of new plants
latest generation
oil mill
1700 piante
6ha uliveti secolari
2ha di nuovi impianti
frantoio ultima generazione
cultivar autoctone
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The mill that makes
the oil of Nata Terra

The Nata Terra miller was created in 2020 with the latest generation Mori-Tem form 750 machine with 2 phases of a continuous cycle. Nata Terra extra virigin olive oil is the lively and tasty juice of cultivars such as Leccino, Itrana, Frantoiana and Sessana grown with organic farming methods. There is range within the contents of the oil which some being of mixed cultivar blends in comparison to the monocultivar blend of Sessana.

The values of social agriculture

The Osiride social cooperative is the parent company of Nata Terra. Osiride is a modern social vision, which has been operating for 15 years on a border area between upper Casertano and lower Lazio. Osiride is the organizing force of many territorial actions dedicated to helping others, the most fragile one, straddling services to people and the culture of quality relationships. Openly deployed for the protection of the territory and community relations, it is always ready to guarantee direct participation in the construction of more just and sustainable living and working places

The cultivars of Nata Terra


It is widespread in the territories of Sessa Aurunca, Carinola and Galluccio, an area that is expanding to the municipalities of the DOP Terre Aurunche. The ripe fruit is black in color, the veraison period is medium, it starts from the apex and gradually spreads over the whole fruit. Sessana oil is an intense fruity with marked bitter and spicy notes.


It originates in Lazio with a clear prevalence in the province of Latina (Pontine area) and in the province of Rome (municipality of S. Gregorio di Sassola). Veraison is early, the fruit is medium-large spheroidal in size. The oil that is extracted from this cultivar is fruity mild-light to the taste, initially sweet, with spicy and bitter sensations, fruity (tomato).


It originates in Tuscany and has found widespread in many areas of Italy. With veraison, the fruit has completed ripeness and is black. The olives are slightly asymmetrical elliptical in shape. The oil is medium-intense fruity, the taste is harmonious with good bitter and spicy sensations.


It originates in central Italy, spread throughout the country thanks to its adaptability and tolerance to the cold. The veraison is early and the fruit when fully ripe is purplish black of medium size and ovoid shape, it occurs in bunches with low resistance to detachment. The oil is characterized by a strong balance between bitter, spicy, sweet and fruity hints with slight hints of almond.

Le cultivar di Nata Terra


È diffuso nei territori di Sessa
Aurunca, Carinola e Galluccio,
areale che va allargandosi ai
comuni della DOP Terre Aurunche.
Il frutto a maturazione è di colore
nero, il periodo di invaiatura è
medio, parte dall’apice e si diffonde su tutto il frutto gradualmente.
L’olio di Sessana è un fruttato intenso con note spiccate di amaro
e piccante.


Ha origine nel Lazio con netta prevalenza in provincia di Latina (area pontina) e in provincia di Roma (comune di S. Gregorio di Sassola). L’invaiatura è precoce, il frutto è sferoidale di dimensione medio-grande. L’olio che si estrae da questa cultivar è fruttato medio-leggero al gusto, inizialmente dolce, presenta sensazioni di piccante ed amaro, fruttato (pomodoro).


Ha origine in Toscana e ha trovato diffusione in molte zone d’Italia. Con l’invaiatura il frutto ha maturazione ultimata si presenta nero. Le olive sono di forma ellittica leggermente asimmetrica. L’olio è fruttato medio-intenso, al gusto risulta armonico con buone sensazioni di amaro e piccante.


Ha origine nell’Italia centrale, diffusa su tutto il territorio nazionale grazie alla sua adattabilità e tolleranza al freddo. L’invaiatura è precoce e il frutto a piena maturazione è nero violaceo di dimensioni medie e di forma ovoidale, si presenta in grappolini con bassa resistenza al distacco. L’olio è caratterizzato da un forte equilibrio tra i sentori di amaro, piccante, dolce e fruttato con lievi sentori di mandorla.

The territory of Nata Terra

The Nata Terra oil mill cultivates its olive trees at 200m above sea level, between the Sidicine and Sessane hills, in the territory that extends from Campania to the Aurunco one of lower Lazio. Massacred by criminal economies and intensive land exploitation, Nata Terra has recovered thousands of plants that we cultivate using organic farming methods.

Olive growing in Campania