The good of oil

extra virgin and organic

Extra virgin olive oil
100% Italian

Sustainable and organic

Cold extraction

Social farming

Olio extra vergine 100% italiano
Sostenibile e biologico
Estratto a freddo
Agricoltura sociale
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Extra virgin oils that tell of social commitment, sustainability and the connection with the earth.

The tasteful profiles of olive cultivars such as Leccino, Itrana, Frantoiana and Sessana, in combination with the organic farming methods of Nata Terra allow for the creation of beautiful, rich oils. The range of flavors of the oils is created by the blend of mixed cultivars creating different levels of vibrant fruitful flavor and the standalone blend of Sessana which produces an intense fruity flavor profile.

Please your guests by supporting the projects of a social cooperative.

Preserve the beautiful sentiments of your special day with the refined flavors of Nata Terra. We have many wonderful options for you: elegantly handcrafted glass or ceramic bottles that can serve as perfect gifts ideas or icons of the tables of your ceremony.

Il magazine del mondo di Nata Terra: persone, pensiere e parole.

agricoltura sociale

Il pacco alla camorra e la forza della rete


Le cultivar locali e le sfide dell’olivicultura sostenibile

The Nata Terra world magazine: people, thoughts and words

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